Ag News: A blog to keep you updated on TriCal’s research and other agricultural initiatives.


TriCal Inc. is a proud member and was a sponsor of The Almond Alliance Convention’s recent “Breaking out of the Shell” event. This year’s convention featured dynamic and engaging presentations, interactive networking opportunities, and expert insider perspectives. The Almond Alliance convention is not only a hub for institutional knowledge but also fosters strength, strategy, unity, opportunity, and appreciation among industry members.

“The Voice Of American Almonds

The Almond Alliance is the leading authority in state and national policy, championing American almond farmers, industry, and community for the continued global growth, innovation, and success of American almonds and agriculture.”

Being a member of the Almond Alliance offers several key benefits to farmers and the agriculture industry, making it a valuable association to join. Here’s why TriCal Inc. loves being part of the Almond Alliance:

The Almond Alliance represents farmers’ interests at local, state, federal, and global levels, ensuring their voices are heard in policy discussions and legislative processes. Members gain access to valuable resources, including the latest research, industry data, and best practices that can help improve farming techniques and increase yields.

The Alliance provides platforms such as the Almond Alliance Convention for farmers and the agriculture industry to connect with industry leaders, peers, and potential business partners, facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange. The Alliance supports sustainability efforts by providing farmers with guidance and support to implement environmentally friendly practices that can improve long-term viability, among many other benefits.

Overall, being a member of the Almond Alliance empowers farmers and the agriculture industry with the tools, knowledge, and support needed to thrive, whether you are in the almond industry or the agriculture industry like us.

For questions about the Almond Alliance or to become a member, please contact Annie Romero at or (209) 300-7140.

TriCal Inc. was proud to sponsor one of the event’s activities, the Corn Hole Tournament. | Photos by Amanda Hernandez

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