Ag News: A blog to keep you updated on TriCal’s research and other agricultural initiatives.


For the past two months (July and August), TriCal Inc. has been proudly promoting our Women in Ag campaign across our social media platforms. We hope you’ve been following along as we have introduced the remarkable women in agriculture who are part of our team. These women are essential to our organization, and our success wouldn’t be possible without each of them.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to all of the women in the agriculture industry. Your dedication and encouragement inspire women and girls around the world. We also want to extend a special thanks to TriCal’s very own women in agriculture. We appreciate everything you do!

For centuries, women have been a vital part of farm and ranch operations both nationally and globally. Today women in agriculture have a unique opportunity to drive the change we want to see in our industry. By building on a legacy of stewardship, innovation, and productivity, we can help one another succeed now and in the future.

Whether it’s managing a farm business that feeds the world, improving the land for future generations, or building relationships that uplift and support your community, industry, and neighbors—there are countless ways to make a meaningful impact in agriculture. The time is now for each of us to step up and embrace these challenges.

In honor of the progress and contributions that women have made in agriculture, TriCal Inc. salutes you.

Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the latest TriCal and TriClor news!